About Me

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I worked in Public Administration, Managed Health Care, and Real Estate. Originally from Chicago and greater Chicago, I've lived in Minnesota my adult life. Blessed with a loving wife, four great sons, two accomplished daughters-in-law and there endearing grandkids. Now battling Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

What would you have done?

Here's the set-up:  Last night about 6:30, I was driving away from my local Target when I saw two teen-age girls in the parking lot, looking around with some confusion.  One of the two raised her arm, signalling me.  I didn't stop right away but noted in the side view mirror that the girl who had waved had lowered her arm somewhat dejectedly.

So, I backed up, rolled down the window and asked if they needed help.  One replied that they needed to find "Karth Lake Drive" or "Amble Drive"  I told them it was just a couple of miles north and they could find it easily by driving north.

Then they told me that they didn't have a car and had taken a local "circulator" bus from the local regional shopping center to the Target. It was getting cold and dark, so I asked them if they wanted a ride.

I have to admit that I immediately realized I might have erred.  I've gone through enough "sexual harassment" training  that's also included the admonition to avoid placing yourself in situations where "sexual harassment" or other "bad acts" can be claimed.  And although neither young woman looked particularly dangerous or threatening, I also realized that I was basing that assessment on my admittedly dated view of the world.  (Hey, I still get amazed when a young woman driving another car flips me off.)

By now they were in the car.  And, as I drove away, we talked a bit and I discovered they were two foreign exchange students (one from Milan and the other from Rio de Janeiro).  One went to our local high school; the other was attending a parochial school in Minneapolis.  We laughed a bit about how dismal our public transit is in the suburbs.

After I dropped them off and was driving home, I took some pleasure in doing a good deed. I'm a firm believer in "paying it forward" and this was one of those chances.

So I'm curious -- my decision turned out fine.  But was it a good idea to offer a ride?  Or was it a bad idea?

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What do you think?

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