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I worked in Public Administration, Managed Health Care, and Real Estate. Originally from Chicago and greater Chicago, I've lived in Minnesota my adult life. Blessed with a loving wife, four great sons, two accomplished daughters-in-law and there endearing grandkids. Now battling Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Uh, oh. Michele Bachmann secretly BFF of Nancy Pelosi

Psst, Michele.  'member when you were tellin' folks not to fill out the census?  Here, I thought it was just another one of your goofy "black helicopter" moments where you see conspiracies under every rock and behind every bush. 

Little did I realize you were a closet Pelosi supporter!  How 'bout that?!?

From a column in The Red State: by Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)

    "I’m worried about this year’s census ... what worries me is blatant misinformation coming from otherwise well-meaning conservatives. They are trying to do the right thing, but instead they are helping big government liberals by discouraging fellow conservatives from filling out their census forms.

    "Early census returns are showing that conservatives have been measurably less likely than liberals to return their census forms. A recent article in the Houston Chronicle points out that conservative Texas is way behind the national average in returning census forms and some of the lowest rates are in Texas’ most conservative counties.
    "Few things make will make Nancy Pelosi happier than large numbers of conservatives failing to respond to the census. If we do not respond, we will not be counted and if we are not counted, then we effectively will not exist. That would reduce conservatives’ power in elections, allow Democrats to draw more favorable congressional boundaries and help put more tax-hiking politicians in office.
    "Boycotting the census also offends me as an American patriot. Our society spends too much time talking about what government owes us; and not enough on the duties of citizenship and the hard work required to keep our freedom. Filling out the census is one of the few things our Constitution specifically asks of U.S. citizens and it is our duty as Americans to take that responsibility seriously."

It's a good thing I'm not a petty person who might quarrel with the order of Rep. McHenry's priorities (seems to me American patriotism outranks the importance of one's partisan powers).  At least Rep. McHenry understands and supports what we've been saying since Michele spoke out against the census.

And here's the double-scoop of irony:  Minnesota may lose one of its eight current Congressional districts if the count isn't accurate.  And the cherry on top:  Bachmann's district is one of the least rationally devised districts in the state.  Many think it's likely not to survive the redistricting if Minnesota goes from eight to seven districts.

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